Air Conditioning Rebate NSW

Secure your commercial air conditioning rebate today under the Energy Savings Scheme (ESS)

For a limited time only, the NSW Government in association with the Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) is offering business owners a substantial cash rebate on installing an energy efficient air conditioner at their business premises.

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    Commercial Air Conditioning Rebate

    As part of its Energy Sustainability Scheme (ESS) and a broader commitment to sustainability, the NSW state government offers a rebate on the installation of eligible commercial air conditioning systems. This rebate, the Commercial Air Conditioning Rebate NSW, is available to eligible businesses that want to swap out their current less efficient air conditioning, or do a completely new install.

    Are you concerned about the mounting cost of energy and its impact on your bottom line? If so, the Commercial Air Conditioning Rebate NSW could be the perfect opportunity to do something about it! Installing a new, energy-efficient air conditioning system will help reduce your energy use, your overall energy expenses, and contribute to a cleaner future.

    The NSW air conditioning rebate is available to households and small businesses that meet the eligibility criteria and want to upgrade to more energy-efficient air conditioning or even just take advantage of the rebates on offer. It will significantly offset the cost of installing new air conditioning and you are guaranteed to get an extremely efficient, modern air conditioner as well.

    Save thousands… Take up the very generous state and federal air conditioning rebates currently on offer and enjoy a cooler, far more pleasant workplace this summer!

    The Commercial Air Conditioning Rebate NSW is the ideal solution for rising energy costs, and a great way to save money on your air conditioning expenses.

    Graphic illustrating the NSW Energy Saving Scheme by Efficient Energy Group. A modern air-conditioner unit is prominently displayed, with downward arrows symbolizing discounts. A backdrop of a happy family in a comfortable home highlights the benefits of the rebate program, emphasizing the combined efforts for a sustainable future

    How much can be saved by updating to an energy-efficient air conditioning system?

    Upgrading to an energy-efficient air conditioning system is a very smart move, especially if you’re a business that wants to reduce energy use and save money on energy bills! In fact, installing an energy-efficient air conditioning system can save your business up to 50% on your current energy costs AND improve your air-conditioning quality as well. This can add up to some very significant savings over time.

    In addition to saving money, upgrading to an energy-efficient air conditioning system can also help your business reduce its carbon footprint. The current range of modern energy-efficient air conditioners use less energy, which means they produce fewer emissions. This can help businesses like yours meet sustainability goals and contribute to a cleaner environment.

    So we can provide you with a more accurate cost saving analysis on your air conditioning, click the button below and make a booking with one of our commercial Air Conditioning System experts.

    Prior to contacting us, please take note of the size and specifications of your current air conditioner, as we require this information to complete your booking and supply you with a confirmed installation date. This information will allow us to do some quick calculations and work out exactly how much money you will save on your next energy bill.

    Who is eligible for the air conditioning rebate in NSW?

    If you are a household or small business located in New South Wales and you meet certain eligibility criteria as defined by the Energy Savings Scheme Rule (ESS Rule), you’re eligible for the air conditioning rebate in NSW. In particular, to qualify for the Commercial Air Conditioning Rebate NSW, your business must meet the following criteria:

    • It must be located in New South Wales.
    • You must either own the premises where the installation will take place or have approval from your landlord for the installation.
    • You must provide consent for the collection of relevant data for rebate processing.
    • You must ensure that both the removal of existing equipment and installation of the new air conditioner are carried out or supervised by a Home Energy Efficiency Retrofit (HEER) approved installer.
    • You must engage an Accredited Certificate Provider before the implementation date.
    • You must purchase an air conditioner from the approved GEMS (Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Register) list of eligible models as defined by the GEMS Determination 2019.
    • Your new air conditioner must have its cooling and heating capacities recorded in the GEMS register.
    • It must meet applicable energy efficiency standards and its performance must meet or exceed set cooling (and heating if applicable) benchmarks specified by SCHEDULE 1 Peak Demand Reduction Scheme Rule (PDRS) Table HVAC2.1 (new) or Table HVAC2.2 (replacement), and the ESS Rule Table F4.4.

    How much will upgrading to an energy efficient air conditioner cost?

    Courtesy of the NSW and Federal Governments, Efficient Energy Group can swap your current air conditioner to a new energy efficient air conditioner for just $2100 after rebates. If you require a completely new installation, we are currently offering these for $2,600 after rebates. This includes installation by fully qualified, our fully insured and licensed HEER approved contractors and will result in significant savings for your business. However, you’ll need to hurry because the rebate is set to expire in 2024.

    You may also need to factor in additional costs depending on the location and the size and capacity of the unit compared to your previous system (larger units may require bracket upgrades, new wiring, and upgrades to the switchboard). These additional costs are as follows:

    How do energy-efficient AC systems work?

    Energy-efficient AC systems are efficient because they prioritise BOTH cooling efficiency AND energy conservation. They incorporate technology like advanced variable speed compressors and motors that are designed to maintain a consistent air temperature while minimising energy consumption.

    How do Energy-efficient AC systems do this?

    Pumps and compressors use significantly more energy to start up than they do to run. As older air conditioners switch on and off cyclically to maintain a consistent air temperature, they use more energy (a lot) every time they have to switch on. Energy-efficient AC systems with variable speed compressors and motors on the other hand slow down or speed up to meet required output demand. This uses far less energy than switching on and off all the time.

    Energy-efficiency AC systems also incorporate other cost saving technologies like zoning, intelligent sensors, and user-programmable thermostats to detect temperature variations and adjust cooling output accordingly. This allows users to set specific temperature schedules and use zoning to ensure the AC only comes on when needed and only in zones where it’s required, which further reduces energy consumption.

    Modern ACs also incorporate advanced filtration systems to improve indoor air quality and optimise airflow. This is important in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic where the virus was proven to spread via HVAC systems.

    Energy efficiency: reduce your energy bills with an eco-friendly AC

    It won’t come as much surprise to learn that your AC contributes significantly to your energy bill! In many cases, it’s as much as 20%. An eco-friendly AC can considerably reduce this by up to 50%. You’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing you’re contributing to a cleaner, greener future by producing less emissions, and reducing your carbon footprint.

    In addition to taking advantage of the Commercial Air Conditioning Rebate NSW and installing an eco-friendly AC, you can also reduce your energy bill with a few simple measures:

    What are the benefits of energy-efficient AC?

    Installing an energy-efficient AC has many benefits.

    They can significantly improve indoor air quality

    Modern energy-efficient AC units are equipped with better filters that can more effectively remove pollutants like mould, dust, pollen, pet hairs, and even some viruses, from the air. If you or your employees suffer from respiratory disorders, this is good news indeed! Energy-efficient AC systems can also help reduce humidity, which reduces potentially harmful mould and mildew growth.

    Energy-efficient AC units can reduce your carbon footprint

    An eco-friendly AC uses far less energy than older AC units, which reduces your energy consumption and thus the emissions produced by commercial power generation. That in turn reduces your carbon footprint, which is good news for the environment!

    Energy-efficient AC units typically last longer than traditional AC units

    Your new energy-efficient, eco-friendly air conditioner has been designed to operate a lot more efficiently than the one you probably have installed currently. That translates to less wear and tear on components and a longer operating life. It’s also made from better quality materials and components, and is relatively easy to maintain. These are all long-term cost saving benefits.

    Modern energy efficient air conditioner units run more consistently & quieter than traditional AC units

    Modern energy efficient air conditioners with variable speed compressors and motors are designed to adjust their speed in response to air temperature. Not only does this allow them to maintain a more consistent air temperature, they’re also quieter because they’re not continually switching on and off, and having to run at full (noisy) speed whenever they switch on

    Claim your commercial air conditioning rebate today – apply now

    As a trusted partner in the NSW government’s Energy Sustainability Scheme, Efficient Energy Group is able to access, and combine, both the Federal STC Rebate and the NSW ESS Rebate (ESCs). As a result, we can offer businesses a brand new energy-efficient split system air conditioner for $2100 (swap) or $2600 (new install). These are co-payments however so you’ll need to pay the applicable one to activate the Commercial Air Conditioning Rebate NSW.

    To be eligible for these rebates, your business must be located in NSW, and you must either already have an older unit you want to swap, or a location for a new installation.

    The Split system air conditioner rebate, or Commercial Air Conditioning Rebate NSW, is part of the state government’s $500 million dollar commitment to sustainability, reducing greenhouse gases, and helping NSW businesses and households save on their energy bills. This rebate, and the various other incentives offered under the ESS, seeks to encourage as many home and business owners as possible to switch to energy efficient equipment and reduce their energy consumption.

    To see if you are eligible please fill the form out below and one of our team members will get back to you.

    Investing in an energy-efficient air conditioning system has many benefits, including improving your working environment whilst reducing your power consumption, and energy costs. Take the time to choose an eligible AC unit that is large enough to suit your business premises factoring in layout, heating and cooling requirements, and also the number of people who work there.

    Stock is limited, apply today to avoid missing out on this strictly limited time offer.

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